
Showing posts from June, 2019

Why is Witchcraft & the Occult So Secretive?

Why is Witchcraft & the Occult So Secretive?    As a practitioner of magick and the occult, and one who is recognized as a voice among the pagan community, I often get asked: - Why is witchcraft so secretive? - Why do people in covens or esoteric orders keep so many secrets? - If they're not conducting conspiracies then why do they keep secrets? - If you're not doing anything illegal than why keep secrets? There are always various forms of this type of question. A lot of times those who are from the outside world of the occult and witchcraft have no understanding and will most times start to make up stories and let the imagination run wild. This is where we get myths about baby sacrifice, sex orgies and even how the Freemasons are trying to take over the world. There is as many made up stories about witches as there are horror movies that indulge in these myths. The word “occult” its self means “secret,” or “mystery” as does the words “rune” and